noun fog·horn \ˈfȯg-ËŒhȯrn, ˈfäg-\
1: a horn (as on a ship) sounded in a fog to give warning
My name is Reinette Senum and I am a Human Foghorn. I have given into it. I can't fight it.... it's in my blood. My Great Great Grandfather Edward Funston's Congressional campaign was "Foghorn Funston, the Farmer's Friend." His son, Frederick Funston, a major general, would find himself getting yanked off the US Presidential ticket as the VP running mate of Theodore Roosevelt -- because Frederick could not stop being a human foghorn; touting a new foreign-policy known as imperialism expansionism.
You didn't think I was serious did you?
I can stand in one place, do nothing, and still sound like a foghorn. After coming to this conclusion many years ago, I have relegated myself to knowing the understanding that it is my job to alert the general public of the hidden stories around us as well as beyond. I mean beyond, beyond. That is why you will not only hear and read about modern tales, but how tales of yesteryear continue to influence us today.

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